Fridays for Future, 15.03.19 Berlin { 29 images } Created 15 Mar 2019
Berlin, Germany - 15.03.2019
Fridays for Future Demonstration with more than 20,000 people moves through Berlin. For the first time the protest took place as a global student climate strike. According to the organizers, there will be about 1660 rallies and demonstrations in 105 countries. For months, students have been striking on Fridays for measures against climate change.
Fridays for Future Demonstration mit 20.000 Menschen zieht durch Berlin. Erstmal fand der Protest als globaler Schueler-Klimastreik statt. Laut den Organisatoren finden 105 Laendern insgesamt circa 1660 Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen statt. Seit Monaten streiken Schueler Freitags fuer Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel.
Photo: Bjoern Kietzmann
Fridays for Future Demonstration with more than 20,000 people moves through Berlin. For the first time the protest took place as a global student climate strike. According to the organizers, there will be about 1660 rallies and demonstrations in 105 countries. For months, students have been striking on Fridays for measures against climate change.
Fridays for Future Demonstration mit 20.000 Menschen zieht durch Berlin. Erstmal fand der Protest als globaler Schueler-Klimastreik statt. Laut den Organisatoren finden 105 Laendern insgesamt circa 1660 Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen statt. Seit Monaten streiken Schueler Freitags fuer Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel.
Photo: Bjoern Kietzmann